Bear Butte Spring Fog

Bear Butte Spring Fog
Sunrise over foggy Bear Butte

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Fall is in the air

My last post for a week as I prepare to head out to North Dakota.  A beautiful morning beckoned me to check out the color change in Spearfish Canyon today.  Already a touch of golds is starting.  From my perspective this morning we may be in for an earlier peak of color this year.  Some of the leaves are already falling with little change.  I hope that by the time I return it won't be too late for the colors this year.  These couple of shots are along the banks of the creek near kissing rock where I found these well colored leaves hugging the shoreline.

Along the creek side a batch of color.

A closer look with the creek in the background
The final image is using the Orton effect to blur the leaves and create more color. 

Leaves and water in Orton

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