Bear Butte Spring Fog

Bear Butte Spring Fog
Sunrise over foggy Bear Butte

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Black Hills Shoot Out

This past weekend I spent time as an ambassador to the Black Hills Shoot Out sponsored jointly by the South Dakota Department of Tourism and Black Hills State University.  A shout out to the organizers including Chad Coppes for putting together a great first time event.  I had fun directing our out of state visitors to the beauty of the Black Hills including Devils Tower, Spearfish Canyon and Badlands National Park.  The weather made for some interesting shooting including a dreary non-sunrise at Badlands on Sunday.  But the drama of fog gave me some interesting images of Devils Tower! A scare Saturday night when I thought I had lost nearly 400 images as I accidentally formatted my card, and then a save thanks to Steve Babbit who directed me to Photo Rescue. Now begins the process of downloading and processing nearly 900 images shot over the last two weeks.

Here in the meantime is some of my favorites from Saturday at the Shoot Out.

From a couple of miles out Devils Tower looms in the fog
Spirit cloth hangs from a tree limb at the base of Devils Tower
The brink of Roughlock Falls

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