Bear Butte Spring Fog

Bear Butte Spring Fog
Sunrise over foggy Bear Butte

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Going Home

Early in September, I took a road trip to North Dakota, my home state.  One of the destinations was my original farm home near Northgate.  This was my first visit to the old farm in nearly 10 years.  Today I wanted to share just a couple of the images I captured in that visit. 

 Above is a look at the house and the old "smokehouse" that was one of the first buildings on the farmstead.  
 From the west side driveway, looking into the yard and north to the Saskatchewan, Canada border. The yard looked quite different as many of the trees have been lost over the years, including a huge evergreen that would have hidden the house in this view.

 The old pump is still there.  My best memory is the taste of the water from this well. It was the best tasting water I have ever had.   I helped carry a lot of pails of water to the house from this pump.

Still standing as sentry's over the prairie and just a mile east of the farm is the two elevators at Northgate.  The village is almost gone and the elevators are slowly crumbling. 

1 comment:

  1. Great photos and memories Sue! It must have been a wonderful place to grow up!
