Bear Butte Spring Fog

Bear Butte Spring Fog
Sunrise over foggy Bear Butte

Monday, November 29, 2010

November storm

Today marked our first "real" winter storm just in time to usher November out.  Reports of 8-24 inches in the Spearfish area and lots of wind kept me inside today.  But as the wind died and the sun poked out around 3:30 I couldn't resist and bundled up to take a couple of shots from outside my doorway and front garage area.  These shots may seem redundant but the beauty of living on this hillside and the changing seasons is a wonderful draw for me.  Wish I could get rid of a few of the high line wires and buildings that block my view of Lookout Mt. but can't have everything.

As I ventured around the front of the garage, a lone doe was making her way down from the hill into the little opening on the side of the town house.  These first two are of her.

She catch's me taking her photo
The click startled her and she was a little more wary

The remaining two shots are of Lookout and the twilight sun at 4:15. 

Lookout Mt from my driveway

Setting sun from my front walk

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